Docker Development Setup
Set up OpnForm locally for development using Docker
The easiest way to get started with OpnForm is through our official managed service in the Cloud. It takes just 1 minute to try out the builder for free, with high availability, backups, security, and maintenance all managed for you.
OpnForm provides a minimal Docker-based development environment optimized for local development. While the full architecture is detailed in our Docker Deployment guide, the development setup is intentionally lighter and focused on developer experience.
- Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine
- Git installed
- Basic understanding of Docker concepts
Quick Start
Clone the repository:
Run the setup script in development mode:
This script will:
- Create necessary environment files
- Pull or build required Docker images
- Start all containers in development mode
- Display access information
Access your development environment:
- Frontend: http://localhost:3000
- API: http://localhost/api
Initial Login
After starting the development environment, use these credentials to access the app:
- Email:
- Password:
You will be prompted to change your email and password after your first login.
While the full architecture is detailed in our Docker Deployment guide, the development setup is intentionally lighter and focused on developer experience.
Differences from Production
No Redis: Uses file-based caching and sessions instead
- Simpler setup
- No additional service to maintain
- Slightly slower but sufficient for development
No Queue Workers: Uses synchronous job processing
- Jobs run immediately in the main process
- Easier debugging of background tasks
- No need to restart workers after code changes
No Scheduler: Scheduled tasks don’t run automatically
- Run scheduled tasks manually when needed
- Less resource usage
- Cleaner logs
Development Features
The development setup includes:
Frontend Development
- Hot Module Replacement (HMR): Changes to Vue components and styles are instantly reflected without page reload
- Vue DevTools: Full integration for component inspection and state management debugging (learn more)
- Source Maps: Enabled for easier debugging
- Fast Refresh: Preserves component state during updates
- Error Overlay: Displays errors directly in the browser
Backend Development
- PHP Hot Reload: Changes to PHP files are immediately available
- Xdebug Integration: Ready for step-by-step debugging
- Artisan Commands: Direct access to Laravel’s CLI tools
Development URLs
Frontend: http://localhost:3000
- Direct access to Nuxt dev server
- Includes HMR websocket connection
- Vue DevTools available
API: http://localhost/api
- Handled by Nginx reverse proxy
- Automatic routing to PHP-FPM
- Supports file uploads and long requests
File Structure
The development setup mounts your local directories into the containers:
Common Tasks
Running Commands
To run commands in the containers:
Accessing Logs
View container logs:
Database Access
The PostgreSQL database is accessible:
- From containers:
- From your machine:
- Default credentials:
Container Issues
If containers aren’t starting properly:
Permission Issues
If you encounter permission issues:
HMR Issues
If hot reload isn’t working:
- Check browser console for WebSocket errors
- Ensure ports 3000 and 24678 are available
- Try restarting the UI container: