OpnForm uses Laravel’s filesystem, which provides a powerful abstraction layer for various file storage systems. While AWS S3 is a popular choice, OpnForm supports both local storage and S3-compatible services.

  1. Create an S3 bucket in your AWS account (or use an equivalent service).

  2. Create an IAM user with access to this bucket. Ensure the user has the necessary permissions to read from and write to the bucket.

  3. Configure CORS for the S3 bucket permissions, by adding the following under “Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)”:

            "AllowedHeaders": ["*"],
            "AllowedMethods": ["PUT", "POST", "GET", "DELETE"],
            "AllowedOrigins": ["*"],
            "ExposeHeaders": []
  4. Set the following environment variables in your OpnForm installation (api/.env):

    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Your IAM user’s access key ID
    • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Your IAM user’s secret access key
    • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: The AWS region where your S3 bucket is located
    • AWS_BUCKET: The name of your S3 bucket

These settings will enable OpnForm to use your S3 bucket for file storage.