The easiest way to get started with OpnForm is through our official managed service in the Cloud. It takes just 1 minute to try out the builder for free, with high availability, backups, security, and maintenance all managed for you.


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd OpnForm
  2. Set up environment files:

    ./scripts/ --docker
  3. (Optional) Customize the environment variables:

    You can modify two environment files to customize your OpnForm installation:

    • The .env file in the api directory for backend configuration
    • The .env file in the client directory for frontend configuration

    For more information on available environment variables, please refer to our Environment Variables page.

  4. Start the application:

    docker compose up -d
  5. Access OpnForm at http://localhost

Initial Login

After installation, use these credentials to access the app:

  • Email:
  • Password: password

You will be prompted to change your email and password after your first login.

Public registration is disabled in the self-hosted version. Use the admin account to invite additional users.

Docker Images

OpnForm provides pre-built Docker images for easy deployment. You can find our official Docker images on Docker Hub:

We recommend using these official images for your OpnForm deployment.

Building Your Own Docker Images

If you prefer to build your own Docker images, you can do so using the provided Dockerfiles in the repository:

  1. Build the API image:

    docker build -t opnform-api:local -f docker/Dockerfile.api .
  2. Build the UI image:

    docker build -t opnform-ui:local -f docker/Dockerfile.client .

Overriding Docker Compose Configuration

You can override the default Docker Compose configuration by creating a docker-compose.override.yml file. This allows you to customize various aspects of the deployment without modifying the main docker-compose.yml file.

Example docker-compose.override.yml:

    image: opnform-api:local
    image: opnform-ui:local
    image: opnform-api:local

Clearing all resources

To completely remove all Docker containers, networks, and volumes created by Docker Compose and also remove all images used by these services, you can use the following command:

docker compose down -v --rmi all